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Hey everyone! I have been playing magic since the game's inception in 1993. While I am not on the competitive scene any longer, I still love to play. I love to play anything from competitive decks to janky combo decks. I'm here to feature different decks, explain decisions and though processes, and hopefully entertain you enough to keep you coming back for more. There are so many ways to pl...

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Arcane Terror - Arcane Adaptation Muxus Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,734 views Jan 06, 2021
Muxus is not a very fair Magic card. He can search out all of his little goblin friends and kill you in one turn with a giant attack. But is Muxus good without actual goblins in our deck? What if w...

2nd Rule of Fight Club - Golgari Fight in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,775 views Jan 05, 2021
We're back at Fight Club! But first we have to go over the 2nd Rule of Fight Club ... Wait, I don't think we are aloud to talk about it. Either way, we are going to beat down our opponents by fight...

Metalwork Memorial - Big Red Akroma's Memorial in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,656 views Jan 03, 2021
We are back to our regularly scheduled program! While Decktember was amazing and so much fun, we wanted to get back to what we love to do ... Blood Sun + Lotus Field. We do have a little help thoug...

Decktember - Mana Bank - Leyline Tyrant in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,123 views Dec 31, 2020
Today is definitely a day. A day we reflect on everything we've accomplished throughout this amazing month of Decktember. So let's not only celebrate this entire month, but let's take today to cele...

Decktember - Point and Click - Historic Fiery Emancipation - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,560 views Dec 30, 2020
We only have today and tomorrow left in Decktember. Today, thanks to Collex, we are going to play a deck that reminds us what Arena is all about, Point and Click! Again if you don't know what Deck...

Decktember - Narkbow - Vivien's Arkbow in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,137 views Dec 29, 2020
Only a couple of days left in Decktember! Today, we have a really sweet deck brought to us by Salty called Narkbow! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks su...

Decktember - Fiendish Ramp - Historic Golgari Reanimator - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,812 views Dec 24, 2020
Do you have a holiday tradition in your home? In mine, we always got to open 1 present on Christmas Eve. Let's open ours! Fiendish Ramp! Thank you so much for this awesome Christmas Eve Decktembe...

Decktember - Iron Giant - Red Artifacts in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,317 views Dec 23, 2020
What's under the tree today? Oh, it's a gift from HabeusPorpoise. Let's unwrap it and see what we got! Sweet! Another awesome Decktember deck list! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I wa...

Decktember - Harmonic Exploration - Explore in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,302 views Dec 22, 2020
Well, thanks to ObserverWill we are revisiting a ghost of Christmas past in today's video. We are taking a look at an Explore package featuring Bolas's Citadel. Again if you don't know what Deckt...

Decktember - Bill Gates - Gates in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,120 views Dec 21, 2020
What happens when we name a Decktember deck after one of the richest people on the planet? Shenanigans, that's what. Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks s...

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