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Hey everyone! I have been playing magic since the game's inception in 1993. While I am not on the competitive scene any longer, I still love to play. I love to play anything from competitive decks to janky combo decks. I'm here to feature different decks, explain decisions and though processes, and hopefully entertain you enough to keep you coming back for more. There are so many ways to pl...

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Chandra's Authority - Boros Chandra Control in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,552 views Nov 25, 2020
We have a deck submitted by one of our Discord members LordSoth. When I first saw this deck, it immediately grabbed my attention. We haven't played a boros control deck in quite some time, so I fig...

Artificer's Expertise - Jeskai Token Aggro in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,245 views Nov 24, 2020
There are so many ways to have tokens get out of control. But what if we focus on efficiency and aggressiveness. Let's work on pumping out a ton of thopter and servo friends and then pump them up i...

PanGenTerrorCon - Temur Panharmonicon in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,843 views Nov 21, 2020
It's time for the first of many Panharmonicon decks we are going to play. For our first build we are going to try a Temur Terror of the Peaks shell where we potentially Genesis Ultimatum into a bun...

Mardu Vroom - Mardu Vehicles in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,117 views Nov 20, 2020
It's time to go back to standard from a few years ago and look at Mardu Vehicles. This deck is mainly composed of the cards that were in standard while Kaladesh and Amonkhet were legal, but of cour...

Masterless Saheeli - Infinite Saheeli Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,502 views Nov 19, 2020
We're back with a truly infinite combo! The last combo decks were not infinite, and were limited the the spells we cast and the cards in our deck. This combo however, we are only limited to what th...

Torrential Epiphany - Historic Gearhulk Epiphany Control - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

6,992 views Nov 18, 2020
Sublime Epiphany proved to be a great card in one of our earlier videos. But what happens when we pair it up with one of the best cards in Kaladesh Remastered, Torrential Gearhulk? Well I'm sure we...

Excavating Engine - Emry Paradox Engine Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

5,065 views Nov 17, 2020
Let's take a look at one other Paradox Engine deck before we move away from this card for a while. Yes, there are a ton of colorless Paradox Engine decks going around, but this one has blue in it f...

Elvish Engineer - Elf Paradox Engine Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,292 views Nov 15, 2020
A few of you wanted to see an Elf deck centered around Paradox Engine. We recently saw MTG Original Decks take on this, and took the blue out, made a few tweaks, and I believe we have a super consi...

Omniscient Marvel - Aetherworks Marvel Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

5,351 views Nov 14, 2020
What's better than casting 1 spell for free? Casting all your spells for free! Let's try to break the new Kaladesh Historic format right as it begins with a little help from a card that used to be ...

Combustible Ulamog - Big Red Ramp Control in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

5,751 views Nov 13, 2020
We did it! We finally made it to the Kaladesh Remastered release date! So that means we get to take another crack at one of our favorite decks in Historic, Big Red! Right out of the gate we are goi...

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