HomePete The Wargamer
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TWG is a channel dedicated to bringing you in depth product reviews and step by step tutorials that cover a whole range of tabletop games. On this channel you will find product reviews, tutorials, news and discussions all related to Wargaming.

Average Views • 73k
Average Concurrents • 43
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Painting Space Marines and Hanging Out

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Painting Space Marines and Hanging Out

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Painting Space Marines and Hanging Out

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Painting Space Marines and Hanging Out

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Painting Space Marines and Hanging Out

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Painting Space Marines and Hanging Out

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97,996 views Aug 05, 2023
#warhammer #warhammer40k Play Iron Order 1919 for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: https://go.onelink.me/ULF0/doyvowz4 In this tutorial I show you how I built and painted my own Custom variant of a C...

Painting Raptors and Hanging Out

58 avg live viewers (65 peak)Aug 02, 2023

Painting Raptors and Hanging Out

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Feedback Q&A Session

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