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Restarting for about an hour until I get mad and Ragequit

6 avg live viewers (9 peak)Jul 31, 2023

Carolina/Houston watch party

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Aquileia and Chill (!Goal)

23 avg live viewers (66 peak)Sep 23, 2021

Aquileia and Chill (!Goal)

7 avg live viewers (13 peak)Sep 22, 2021

Consulate of the Sea on VH (Aragon->Spain->Rome)

15 avg live viewers (39 peak)Sep 15, 2021

Consulate of the Sea (Very Hard)

35 avg live viewers (107 peak)Sep 09, 2021

Consulate of the Sea (Very Hard)

14 avg live viewers (53 peak)Sep 07, 2021

Consulate of the Sea (Very Hard)

7 avg live viewers (10 peak)Sep 02, 2021

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