Dark Envoy is an indie-scale CRPG that offers intriguing class and skill systems, featuring four basic classes with multiple specializations. The flexibility in character building is a highlight, a...
Dead Signal, by Reflect Studios, is a gripping home invasion horror game with a "spot-the-difference" gameplay style. It seamlessly fits the studio's dark and suspenseful vibe. Players search for c...
Fate/Samurai Remnant, the latest installment in the Fate series developed by Omega Force, offers an open-world experience with action gameplay, weaving historical elements into its narrative. The s...
Scene Investigators is a game where you play as a cop trying to pass an exam to become a detective. It offers various cases, and you need to answer questions to pass them, with the final case being...
Outpath is often compared to Forager, and it's fair to do so. It feels like "Minecraft with more clicking," offering a distinct but flawed experience. One major issue is that automations on islands...
Cocoon is a captivating puzzler where you navigate worlds within orbs, solving intricate puzzles. The game's clear objective is to unravel these puzzles and carry your orbs to advance. You'll find ...
Cities: Skylines 2 offers outstanding city-building features and an immersive simulation but suffers from severe technical and performance issues at launch. The game's detailed citizen simulation a...
Ghostrunner 2 continues the fast-paced first-person action-parkour gameplay of its predecessor, shining in those moments. The game's story involves a new threat, the Asura, but starts with a weak b...
In Saints Row 2, something really strange happens: a huge purple bunny pops out of the ocean. To see this weird thing, players need to find a little island hidden in the misty water and walk aroun...
Jason Voorhees is known for being in really scary movies where he kills people. In the game Dead Island, you can find a character named Jason wearing a hockey mask. But be careful, because he's not...