Woovit for Publishers

Simplify and scale your influencer marketing.

Key distribution is a formidable challenge for game studios and publishers of all sizes, and you have only so much time to spend on it.

Woovit is a network of 29,066+ real creators (and growing daily!) with validated channels and up-to-date data. Publishers can offer keys to these creators — or automate invitations to new ones.

Authenticated Creators


Woovit is improving influencer management by requiring creators to sign up with their real YouTube and/or Twitch accounts. To qualify for offers, these channels must meet YouTube Partner qualifications and/or have Twitch Affiliate/Partner status (or be invited by a publisher via whitelists) and a following that is majority real users. Creators will have a quota of three keys, which are replenished with successful video deliveries.

Set Qualifications

Stop crawling through tons of requests from creators with no audience or no good intentions. As a publisher, you set minimum qualifications that a creator must meet to automatically get a key — or use a whitelist so anyone you trust can get products from you instantly.

Code distribution made easy

From describing your offer to setting notifications, manage every process of key distribution.

Campaign Type
Code Distribution
Describe Offer
Whitelists & Blocklists
Upload Codes
Platform Requirements
Distribution Timeframe
Terms & Conditions
Review & Submit

You build relationships, we'll take care of the spreadsheets

Tens of millions of creators are making videos globally. Who are you missing? Spending too much time watching videos? Woovit automates the reporting of key deliveries and delivery of videos so you don't have to.

Reporting done seamlessly

In a click of a button, aggregate information on those participating in your Woovit campaign instantly.

Total Videos
Total Views
Concurrent Views
Total Keys Distributed
Subscriber/Follower count

Both you and the creators benefit from the automation of distribution and reporting. Upgrade to a premium account to manually review key requests.

Start your campaign with Woovit

Sign up for free, or set your campaigns for success with our premium option for $199 a month.


1 active campaign


Manual or Automated code distribution
Access to our Search Database
Reports of delivered videos
Email Alerts for campaign activities
Custom Campaign Link to use for inbound requests and distribution
Whitelists of creators to direct communication and access to Campaigns


Unlimited active campaigns


Everything on Free and...
Listed Campaigns on Woovit's library to drive Creator discovery
Send offers directly to Creators on Woovit
Multi-user Accounts for team collaboration and campaign management
Shared notes on creator profiles for relationship management
Coming Soon Campaigns to begin recruiting prior to your launch

Agency Support



Contact Us
Secure a Team including an account manager and influencer relations specialist
Develop a campaign Plan to align on strategies based on your objectives
Strategically engage influencers for earned content (unpaid) opportunities
Sponsor (pay) influencers for content
Get custom strategies & results based on performance goals
Build and manage a Partner program

Got a Question?

Use our to find an answer quickly or start a conversation.

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