Find the Letter H

Find the Letter HSnowrunner Productions


In some games you jump all over the place, shooting things, saving presidents, fighting challengers, dropping blocks, crafting weapons.

In this game you find the letter H.

In this relaxing journey around a pond, you collect as many of the letter H you would like.

A note from the developer:

I made this game last year when I was going through some really hard times mentally. I wanted to make something simple that would help me relax and take my mind off things and hopefully put me in a better state of mind. A few nights ago I was having trouble sleeping and I remembered this game. I played it a bit and it helped me calm down. The next day I decided that I would finish the game and share it with the public.

These are pretty stressful and uncertain times, but I hope this game is as helpful for you as it is to me and is a comforting experience.

I'd love to hear what you think of the game. And if you want to say hi feel free to reach out on Twitter @SodaDrinkerPro.



Note: this game is not a substitute for seeing a doctor or therapist. If you are having mental health issues contact a professional.

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