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Monster Hunter World ? Trying Out the Dual Blades w/ Beta Impressions

3,746 views Dec 31, 2017
I channel my inner assassin with the Dual Blades in Monster Hunter World. On my list of mains the Dual Blades are somewhere in the top 5. After a wealth of time in the Monster Hunter World Beta, I ...

Monster Hunter World ? Hunter Guild Card Reveal and Breakdown

4,312 views Dec 30, 2017
My addiction to any and all news Monster Hunter World related has lead me to some rather interesting pictures of the new Guild cards. Unfortunately, they are in Japanese but doesn't mean I can't tr...

Monster Hunter World | Triple Hunt w/ Hammer: Kulu Yaku, Barroth, and Jyuratodus (Wildspire Waste)

902 views Dec 23, 2017
Late night multiplayer squading leads to an interesting triple hunt in this quest to kill Kulu Yaku, Barroth, and Jyuratodus in the Monster Hunter World Beta. For this quest I take up the mighty an...

Monster Hunter World ? Estimated Story Length + Future DLC Update Plans

808 views Dec 18, 2017
With the Monster Hunter World launch right around the corner the question for even the smallest information continues. Today I've got quite the treat with a recent discovery of the estimated playti...

Monster Hunter World | Great Jagras Hunt and Capture w/ Bow Gameplay (Beta)

965 views Dec 14, 2017
Down to the final minutes of the Monster Hunter World Beta and I've run out of things to do as well as don't want to stop playing. With 5 minutes remain before servers go down can I quickly capture...

Monster Hunter World | Barroth Solo Hunt & Capture w/ Light Bowgun Gameplay (Beta)

2,666 views Dec 14, 2017
After already claiming a Diablos kill and capturing the Jyuratodus I realize I can't stop myself from going after the behemoth of the Wildspire Waster, Barroth. But this time I'm going to tranq and...

Monster Hunter World | Rathalos Co-Op Hunt w/ Heavy Bowgun Gameplay (Beta)

3,307 views Dec 13, 2017
The hunter squad has taken down the Anjanath, Barroth, Jagras, Jyuratodus, and even the mighty Diablos. So now we turn our axe, sword and bowgun on the savage Rathalos, apex of the Ancient Forest. ...

Monster Hunter World | Jyuratodus Hunt and Capture w/ Insect Glaive (Beta)

2,731 views Dec 12, 2017
With the Monster Hunter World Beta coming to a close I decide to take on a greater challenge. Capturing a monster ALIVE! After successfully slaying the Rathalos, Diablos, Barroth, and Anjanath. I t...


1,911 views Nov 14, 2017
Taking both the new Aramusha and Shaman in For Honor. I'll put them both through some Dominion, Duels, and the new game mode Tribute. Also answering and question you guys have. So such your alarms!...

FOR HONOR ? Aramusha Full Movelist Breakdown w/ Gameplay

80,056 views Nov 12, 2017
The new Aramusha in For Honor movelist may be small but he still has a bit going for him. Full guard, infinite chain, and a wealth of cancels. Here's a full breakdown with gameplay of the full move...

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