#Pokemon #PokemonSword #pokemonswordpostgame
We finally get to capture the legendary pokemon Zacian!! We also learn what hops wants to do now that he is no longer chasing after his older brother L...
#sackboy #littlebigplanet #sackboyabigadventure
Level 5/Level 15 Monkey Business of the Colossal Canopy world a let's play of sackboy a big adventure videogame!
The dastardly Vex (a near-mythica...
#sackboy #littlebigplanet #sackboyabigadventure
Level 3/Level13 A slippery slope of the Colossal Canopy world a let's play of sackboy a big adventure videogame!
The dastardly Vex (a near-mythica...
#sackboy #littlebigplanet #sackboyabigadventure
Level 2/Level12 A cut above the rest of the Colossal Canopy world a let's play of sackboy a big adventure videogame!
The dastardly Vex (a near-myt...
#Yakuzalikeadragon #Yakuza7 #Chapter4thedragonofYokohama
The investigation into Nanoha continues! Turns out Sunlight castle has some very dark secrets lurking in the shadows and it's up to ichiban...
#Pokemon #PokemonSword #pokemonswordpostgame
Today we finish up clearing out the dynamax pokemon that have been rampaging at the various gym stadiums, to our surprise Bede has already taken care o...
#sackboy #littlebigplanet #sackboyabigadventure
Level 1/Level11 Sticking with it of the Colossal Canopy world a let's play of sackboy a big adventure videogame!
The dastardly Vex (a near-mythica...
#sackboy #littlebigplanet #sackboyabigadventure
Level 9 Having a blast of The Soaring Summit world a let's play of sackboy a big adventure videogame!
The dastardly Vex (a near-mythical being bor...