A simple design for an scalable, infinite villager breeding system that can be toggled and only releases adult villagers.
Panda4994 had a big part in this design. Credit to his supreme awesomenes...
Today we build out the front of the Iron Trench and make a storage structure for the iron. We also do a little talking about vanilla Minecraft and my next episode
Follow me on Twitter @TangoTekLP...
Its time to build one for myself now.
In case you missed the Iron Trench, here it is.
Follow me on Twitter @TangoTekLP
Music by TeknoAxe http://www.t...
I show some of the critical updates to the tutorial and answer some common questions about the Iron Trench.
Follow me on Twitter @TangoTekLP
Music by TeknoAxe http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoax...
I take the village overlapping concept that I previously invented to the next level and show you how to build a completely new and compact iron golem farm that produces 8 times the iron as the othe...
We push the enderman farm to its limits then poke around the base while talking about whats to come.
Please help me by UPVOTING this bug!
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Gathering all the supplies we need for the enderman farm is no minor task. String and redstone are in short supply.
Music by TeknoAxe http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe
A compact way to easily access and store your bulk storage items with an easy to read visual indicator that shows how much you have.
Music by TeknoAxe http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe
We do some trading, some building, and some boss killing.
Music by TeknoAxe http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe