So my good friend Gehab got me and him access to the upcoming game For Honor! This video we played some 2v2 brawling!
Friends in this video
Gehab -
Finally, back with some Star Wars Battlefront! This time I try the offline game mode known as Skirmish!
Battlefront Playlist -
With the amazing reception of my first Pokemon Go video I decided to make another but this time on water! Huge thankyou to my mates for helping me film this!
Rec0rder Mast3r - Pokemon Them...
So me and MaskMan decided to try Worms Revolution before the new Worms game released (Was filmed prior to the release) and this is how it went!
Friends in this video
MaskManGaming -
So me and Gehab managed to accidentally exploited the game and created the ultimate weapon!
Friends in this video
Gehab -
eMBeaR -
So our friend Rifty try to educate us on the basics of survival in Rust, it didn’t exactly go to plan..
Friends in this video
eMBeaR -
TheSwollenGamer - htt...