Deep beneath the legendary capital city that had risen from the haze of an era long forgotten, a laboratory, constructed by the ancient Debrian race has been discovered. With unparalleled mastery o...
Fate/Grand Order is a brand new turn-based JRPG on iOS and Android from the makers of the cult hit Fate/Stay Night series of games out of Japan. It’s F2P on mobile, centered around turn-based comba...
What better way to celebrate Comic-Con than with a new game teaser from Visionary Realms for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen?
The "Bring Friends" trailer captures the philosophy behind Pantheon: Rise...
Warm greetings fellow knights and feudalists! We’re back with another helpful intro guide, and today we’ll be discussing how players can transform their medieval fantasy of ruling a kingdom of thei...
In Life is Feudal, you lead a tumultuous life as you flee from evil to begin a new civilization in this brutal medieval world. The land has been ravaged by bandits and savages, but by working with ...
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Multistreaming with
The Wild West Online team has sent out the very first game play video from the game that shows off an amazing looking old west world. The video features 6 minutes of game play action from the earli...