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Hey everyone! I have been playing magic since the game's inception in 1993. While I am not on the competitive scene any longer, I still love to play. I love to play anything from competitive decks to janky combo decks. I'm here to feature different decks, explain decisions and though processes, and hopefully entertain you enough to keep you coming back for more. There are so many ways to pl...

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Bolas's Intervention - Grixis Bolas Tribal in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,600 views Oct 30, 2020
A few people were wanting to see a Grixis control list. But we aren't ready to play full control yet. Of course we had to put a Motumbo spin on things. Instead, let's look at Bolas Tribal Control i...

1st Rule of Fight Club - Black Devotion Fight in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

5,310 views Oct 29, 2020
Well, we all know the first rule of Fight Club is to not talk about Fight Club. As well as the second rule of Fight Club. But what happens if we throw those rules out the window and just show peopl...

Emergent Abyss - Emergent Ultimatum Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,239 views Oct 28, 2020
This is a deck we have put off playing for a while. I feel like this is a fairly competetive deck, however, this is a deck that falls off the radar quickly and people tend to forget exists. Plus, I...

Anointed Friends - Super Friends Token Makers in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,144 views Oct 27, 2020
What started as an abzan control deck slowly morphed into a pretty interesting Super Friends Deck. This Abzan build focuses on Planeswalkers that can make tokens with their abilities, and of course...

Regretful Red - Star of Extinction Control in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,131 views Oct 26, 2020
Is a deck with no win conditions viable? It should be. Remember when 5 Mana Teferi was a win condition by tucking itself over and over again until the opponent decked? Well, that's essentially what...

Forgotten Shade - Mono Black Aggro in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,636 views Oct 24, 2020
I really wanted to revisit mono black aggro in historic. I think if we can really focus in more on Priest of the Forgotten Gods in combination with Skyclave Shade, as well as a ton of other recursi...

Mirror Bombs - Haphazard Bombardment Mirrormade in Historic - Mtg Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,477 views Oct 23, 2020
Well, that was a fun trip yesterday through Standard. Let's get right back on the Historic train. Let's revisit Haphazard Bombardment, Lotus Field, Blood Sun, and all those cards I love playing in ...

Mardoom Foretold - Mardu Doom Foretold Control in Standard? - Mtg Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,315 views Oct 22, 2020
What? Where are we? Standard? Huh? What happened to Historic? Well, we had a few requests to revisit standard since all the bans have supposedly rebalanced the format. So you know what? We are goin...

Do The Knight Thing - Boros Knight Aggro in Historic - Mtg Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,413 views Oct 21, 2020
Let's visit another tribe in the land of Arena. This time, we will take a look at one of the noblest tribes, Knights. These trained fighters are well versed in working together to protect their Kin...

Locust Swarm - Infinite Insect Locust God Combo in Historic - Mtg Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,905 views Oct 20, 2020
Finally decided to craft a couple of mythics rares in the form of The Locust God in order to bring a plague of locusts upon our opponents. We will try and generate an "infinite" amount of insects w...

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