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Hey everyone! I have been playing magic since the game's inception in 1993. While I am not on the competitive scene any longer, I still love to play. I love to play anything from competitive decks to janky combo decks. I'm here to feature different decks, explain decisions and though processes, and hopefully entertain you enough to keep you coming back for more. There are so many ways to pl...

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Decktember - Indomitable Creativity Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,617 views Dec 08, 2020
Day 8 of Decktember is a SPICY one! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks submitted by you, the viewers! If you want to be considered for decktember, join ...

Decktember - Whiter Weenier - White Auras in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

1,365 views Dec 07, 2020
Day 7 of Decktember has us looking at a slightly budget build of White Weenie/Auras. Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks submitted by you, the viewers! I...

Decktember - Sneaky Vito - Colorless Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,451 views Dec 06, 2020
Day 6 of #Decktember is going to be a fun one everybody! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks submitted by you, the viewers! If you want to be considered...

Decktember - Wizard Needs Food Badly - Wizards in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,819 views Dec 05, 2020
It's Day 5 of Decktember and we are going Tribal! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks submitted by you, the viewers! If you want to be considered for deck...

Decktember - Face Bounce - Historic Sultai Panharmonicon - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,033 views Dec 04, 2020
On the 4th day of #Decktember a viewer gave to me ... 4 Panharmonicons 3 Gontis 2 Yarok And a sweet deck list to torment our opponents! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to fo...

Decktember - Pickle Amulet - Abzan Amulet in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

4,207 views Dec 03, 2020
Day 3 of Decktember is in full swing and boy are we all in for a treat! This video so far looks to be the longest one we've ever done, and for good reason. Again if you don't know what Decktember...

Decktember - Grixis Superfriends in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,740 views Dec 02, 2020
We are back with Day 2 of Decktember! Again if you don't know what Decktember is, I want to focus strictly on decks submitted by you, the viewers! If you want to be considered for decktember, join ...

Decktember - Mono Blue Mill in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,160 views Dec 01, 2020
Welcome to Decktember! This month I want to focus strictly on decks submitted by you, the viewers! If you want to be considered for decktember, join the discord, then head over to the decktember ch...

Idyllic Lives - Mono White Nine Lives Combo in Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

3,330 views Nov 28, 2020
We're back with some actual Historic today! No more of that fake standard historic we tried the other day! This time we are going back and trying out mono white Nine Lives/Solemnity. We played this...

Happy Foodsgiving! - Mono Green Food in Standard/Historic - Mtg Magic Arena Deck Tech and Game Play

2,162 views Nov 26, 2020
Well today we have an interesting deck. Just like the video said, we wanted to build a food themed deck for Thanksgiving today, and it ended up being standard. But we WERE going to play it in Histo...

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